From Omega-3 to Vitamin D, fish gives our body some great health benefits. But did you know that you can easily get all the healthy fish benefits without actually eating fish?

For those of you who are not so fond of fish, here is a range of delicious alternatives that contain all the same healthy foodstuffs as salmon, mackerel and cod. Maker sure to try some of these if you struggle to get the recommended 300g of fish a week.
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
As building blocks for the brain and with anti-inflammatory properties, Omega-3 helps create healthy, functioning cells throughout the body.
15g of Flaxseed oil
50g linseed
110g walnuts
Iodine helps keep the metabolism high and protects against enlarged thyroids.
55g whey cheese
150ml milk
170g rye bread
2.5 large eggs
Protein is a central building block when the body produces hormones and enzymes. It also helps with healing and restoring muscle after working out.
75ml of fromage frais
40g lean meat or pultry
250ml kefir
1 large egg
Studies have linked selenium to protecting cells against certain types of cancer. Research into this is ongoing but preliminary results have been promising.
12g brazil nuts
23g sunflower seeds
1 small egg
100g chicken
100g dried lentils
Vitamin D
Vit. D is great ats trengthening bones, muscles and the immune system. It can also help stimulate cognitive functioning, making you more productive.
200g of eggs
230g of chicken
450ml Vitamin D enriched milk
And did you know...
Chicken gives you 3 out of the 5 fish benefits because it contains Vitamin D, selenium and protein. Perfect for those of you who are not so keen on fish! As long as you're getting a healthy balance of all of the above as part of your weight loss journey, you will be getting the right amount of nutrients and vitamins.
Thanks for reading,
The Slim Transformation Team